Friday 11 October 2013

Jan Lokpal Bill

Will The Jan Lokpal Bill Succeed

     Will the Jan Lokpal Bill succeed in curbing the corruption of Indian politics. This is a very delicate situation that Indian politics is passing through for the first time in history. The Lokpal bill has never been taken up so seriously by anyone before. Thanks to team Anna Hazare that the Indian politics will see a new fate in the upcoming future. All the corruption of the politicians has been disclosed by many organizations on the national as well as the international level. Thanks to the non-profit organizations like wiki-leaks who are doing such a beautiful job.

     The main question is what will be the fate of the Jan Lokpal Bill this time. Anna is very active and wants his demands to be fulfilled. The great freedom fighter has gone on a hunger strike time and again to give India its second freedom. All that he needs is the support of the people. Are we the citizens of India taking up the responsibility of taking part in this major revolution.

     Everyone feels excited when he sees a politician getting exposed in front of the media. No I will not name any of them for we know them all. If the same continues what will be the fate of Indian politics. I remember the words of H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi the founder of Sahaja Yoga stating that Satya Yuga has begun. That the resurrection time has started and that all that is cunning will be exposed in this time. The Law of Polarity: Karma Phal as they call it in the Hindu tradition is showing its color.

     As Indians I think we all should support Anna on the 16th of this month in order to bring India its second freedom. Freedom from corruption. The British have left theior system behind. In order to wipe the British system clean the Indian politics must and should be ruled by pure Indians. Lets see what direction will this new revolution lead us to. Jai Hind! May the Jan Lokpal Bill be a tremendous success and may it succeed in curbing corruption from its very roots.

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