Sunday 20 October 2013

Do you think in India Computerization of Offices should be Encouraged?

1. The most important criteria of good administration is that it should be efficient. People do not have time and energy to waste so they want everything to be done in a very short time and in a flawless manner. This is possible if there is computerization of the offices.
2. If the machines work for human beings, why should the human beings be made to do uninteresting and dull work. Modern man does not want to do mental or physical work and so he wants to take the help of machines for doing everything Ultimately the workers as well as the people will be happy with the installation of the computers in the offices.
3. In banks particularly, computers have become extremely necessary because there is so huge an amount of data which is to be stored and so huge an amount of information which is to be kept ready that it is necessary to have computers. Human beings are bound to commit mistakes in keeping accounts and may not be able to give information as soon as they are asked to provide.
Arguments against :
1. With the introduction of the computers, unemployment will become more serious a problem in India. Increasing population and, so, increasing unemployment have become two very important factors in ruining Indian economy. If computers are introduced economic problems will become more acute.
2. Introduction of computers will make us more mechanical in our thinking and approach. In dealing with the people, we will not be human beings, who can understand their feelings and act accordingly. Computers will kill our emotional relationship with the customers in the banks and visitors in the offices.
3. Computerization in India will only increase the expenses in the office. In fact Mahatma Gandhi advocated the setting up of the Cottage Industries because he wanted that the human labor in India should be gainfully employed. He also felt that till the people are properly employed, perhaps democracy cannot be a success. Unemployment may also result in imbalances in the economy of the country ; the rich will become richer and the poor will become poorer.

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