Tuesday 15 October 2013


We have heard a lot about equality among boys and girls. What exactly is gender equality? It is basically an important human right issue, where both genders should be treated equally in both public and private sectors of life.
The fight for equal rights has crossed decades, yet the fight still continues. In many countries after generations for fight and liberalization for women, women have been able to achieve their rights or in fact a place equal to men in many areas, if not all.
Now what exactly makes a differentiation among both the genders? When a baby is born, the first question arises is whether it a boy or a girl. If a girl, the family is not happy, instantly they start thinking about how to educate her, how much expense for the wedding, will she be a disgrace for the family and so on, when the kid has not even started to open his/her eyes properly !!!!! And if a boy, the family is happy, could bring in dowry, would be the next heir and should educate him for a good living. What a contradiction way of thinking???? And this happened not only among the uneducated, but also in the educated and developed countries, the only difference would be in the mannerism of thoughts, but the basic outline remains the same.
From a young age, the girl child faces hardships. Even she out stands above the boy in academics, cultural activities, creativity or any aspects of her age, she would never be given the right appreciation. Whereas if a boy does just half of what she has done, he was praised.
The girl child had to satisfy all conditions put forward by her parents, especially in the low class family, if she wanted to go to school. However the boy could just wander around and get all the comforts. After a certain period, education is denied for girls for the only reason being stated that they have to be married off. In every stage of her life, she is being denied justice.
Once she outcomes all these hurdles and enters into a corporate world, there also she faces in differences. For all the efforts she takes and meets targets assigned, she is still denied the right kind of appreciation, again stating facts which are totally unjustifiable. Men counterparts, who might have done less than her, get all the perks and awards.
When she enters into her married life, again she has to look into all the household chores, rise up kids, go for work and yet she only gets to be questioned, what have you done all this while ???? There also she does everything to keep her family happy, yet she is not even being given a warm hug for the work that she does, she is just being taken for granted.
This kind of gender discrimination could only be bought to a stop, if all then men and boys join the fight and involve themselves more in family life. God has created both the sexes in their own unique way, it is we humans who have created the difference. Accept the weakness and strength of both the sexes and see the wonders when both work in unison.

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