Thursday 17 October 2013


Corruption is a practice of taking or giving illegal money to somebody for doing a work. In other words it is deliberate negligence of one’s legitimate duty without getting something in return.
“The fight for justice against corruption is never easy. It never has been and never will be. It exacts a toll on our self, our families, our friends, and especially our children. In the end, I believe, as in my case, the price we pay is well worth holding on to our dignity”.- Frank Serpico
If we turn back the pages of history we find that in some or the other way, corruption was prevalent also in old days. There were people who flattered the monarch and the monarchs favored them being pleased with them. They gave them money and estates, they also favored them in fulfilling the flatterers designs. In monarchies the corruption flourishes through flattery. In fact whenever somebody has the power to do a work for somebody else, he has tried to take advantage of his position. Thus corruption has always been there. But so far it is within the sanction of the social laws and moral codes, it is taken for granted but beyond that, it is taken as corruption. Great powers use corruption as their weapon. They bribe with large sums of money some person or persons of a nation and even overthrown the government of the nation.
Through there are many causes of corruption but the chief among them are:
Demoralizing of the character in general due to the centuries old slavery.
It is difficult to stay hard working and loyal with low salary.
Rapidly rising prices forced every man to earn as much as he could.
Absence of institution that can watch the act the act of corruption and stop it altogether.
Anti Corruption
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The corruption is a great hindrance in the path of progress and prosperity. The plans are jeopardized. Money-making of the officers and officials in the charge of a particular plan brings in the inferior qualities of things, which causes the built-up structures to fall down and thus harm the national exchequer.
Hence to check this trend of corruption, government shall have to take short term and long term measures. As a short term measure, the strict legislation should be enacted for any kind of corrupt practice. None should be let loose however high dignitary he may be. Vigorous propaganda against corruption should be made through all propaganda media, press, cinema, radio and television. As a long term measure, education system should be so mended as to make it more ethical, moral and patriotic. The men of strong moral character should be employed in the education department. Socially, the honest and sincere men should be rewarded.
If such steps are taken, they will prove effective in rooting out this evil. Then only the country will be saved from going down the steep slope of moral degradation and march on the road to prosperity and progress.

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