Thursday 3 October 2013

Corruption Free INDIA


Is it possible to curb corruption from India? 

It is absolutely possible to build a corruption-free India and today we will speak of the various ways through which we, the youth, can make India a better corruption free country. 

Corruption can be curbed if the normal man becomes sensitive. Politicians robbing the country has become a everyday news of our daily life. The news of corruption has become so casual that everyone takes corruption for granted. When Dharma gets established, it becomes difficult for corruption to survive. When the feeling of patriotism rises a Mahatma is born in every person. And when the nation is completely filled with such Mahatmas corruption finds it difficult to survive. People think that it is impossible to kill corruption but I will convince everyone by the end of this article that corruption can be completely stopped

The Government should show the accounts and should also make sure that every Rupee spent on a project reaches its purpose and not the stomachs of all these hungry Politicians. The Nation should be ruled by ambitious youth, only then, youth power will make its purpose visible. The ruler of the Nation should be very simple and should have a very simple lifestyle and should earn only as much as is sufficient for a living. Till date I have seen only one such Politician and that is Lal Bahaddur Shastri. Shastriji used to get fifty Rupees for doing his duty. One day a man came and asked him for fifty Rupees and Shastriji said that he had saved no money and could not help him. Then, Shastriji's wife cam and gave Shastriji fifty Rupees to help his friend. When Shastriji cam to know that his wife used to save ten Rupees every month from his monthly salary, he went to his office and said to reduce his salary to forty Rupees per month! I am pretty sure that his wife was saving money even with that limited amount. Today I salute to that great man and pray that may such people again come to take care of India and not to rule India as the present politicians are doing. 

We are living in a corrupt India but our next generation should not. 'Let us stop voting for the politicians' can never be a solution. Let the Government work like a crystal clear glass through which people can see very clearly the working of the Government. We the common man are suffering due to the corruption of the Politicians. The rate of every essential commodity is simply rising so high that people are finding it very difficult to live in this world. In order to curb corruption the Politicians will have to remember the slogan "of the people, for the people, and, by the people". Today's politics has the same mantra with the only difference that people is replaced with Politicians.

People should understand that the highest power is in the hands of normal public. No one can force us to give bribe. If someone do so then we should complaint it to the inspectors or other officials. The officials must be strict against these matters and if not, then, we have a power to reject the people who doesn't doing their work properly. Even if the prime minister is not doing their work properly then also, we can suspend him and elect a new. 

Then the officials will do their work properly in the pressure of fear. And then our India will become a Corruption Free Country.


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